Monthly Archives: April 2016

Peaceful Morning Yoga Session – I think not!

I have been on a quest to exercise daily to help my energy levels increase and for my general wellbeing. Some mornings I walk with my Mum, which has been a great opportunity for us to spend some time together as life is so busy! Then other mornings when we can’t walk for whatever reasons, I try to do some yoga in the lounge room. I’ve found a great YouTube channel with a great selection of videos from beginner, to more experienced, and even a 30 day challenge! So this morning Mum and I decided not to walk, so I got up to do my Yoga instead. Our 6 and a half month old was already getting grumpy at 5:40am, so I got him up with me at 5:55am and popped him in his swing to watch me stretch it out…15 minutes in and he really couldn’t have been any less impressed with my yoga routine and he spat it, the dummy wasn’t working, neither were the toys, so I paused the yoga and prepared his bottle. My husband got up to feed Charlie for me, but at the same time Mr almost 3 year old, Henry, walked out of his room to start the day. He started out fairly supportive of Mummy doing some yoga, even helping by placing a supportive hand on my back as I completed a pos, but before long he was demanding “Choc Milk” (aka a warm Milo) and his support for my quest went right out the window! I did get to finish my yoga workout, but it wasn’t at all peaceful, I missed much of what the lovely instructor was saying, and I probably didn’t do the moves exactly right but I did give it my best shot. I did get out of bed, I did make the effort and I do feel all the better for it. Something is better than nothing, right?!

So if you are keen on doing some yoga, check out Yoga with Adriene. The sessions aren’t too long so they’re great if you have a tight schedule, and she’s really good at explaining the positions. I started the 30 Day Challenge today, so we’ll see how many days I can stick that out to! Join me in it, send me an email to let me know – wintermumblog(at)…we can keep each other accountable!
